If you have chronic pain you know how lonely and isolated it can make you feel. No matter how many times you tell your family and friends about it, they will never fully understand. However, just because they do not understand does not mean that no one else will. There is actually a whole group of people that may understand exactly what you are feeling, because they may be feeling it too.
Connecting with people who understand and have personally experienced what you are going through can help you feel less alone. For this reason, online support groups have continued to grow and are a great solution to building a community right at your fingertips. Support groups have been widely used for many years, but for chronic pain sufferers, good intentions of going to a meeting can dissipate as pain intensifies. This is why online support groups are the perfect solution. They provide instant access to a circle of friends who can truly rejoice with you in the good and help you through the tougher days.
A common misconception about online pain support groups is that sufferers will only complain and share horror stories about their condition. However, this is typically not the case. Most groups are structured with monitors and rules of engagement, meant to provide a platform to help each other with daily motivation and coping tools. It is a great place to go to with questions about your conditions, foods that can calm inflammation, or even tips on what to buy for around the house that will make daily activities easier. Another benefit; unlike medical offices and therapists, the online group is around at all hours of the day, providing a resource for the restless nights. If you have a hard time sleeping or are in need of some friendly support during the day, chances are someone in your group is too.
The best benefit is that pain sufferers who have overcome painful conditions or have successfully implemented coping tools, have the opportunity to share their experiences and help others cope. Each pain sufferer has learned so much in their journey and it is a great feeling to know that sharing what has worked for them could help others as well.
Online support groups can provide you with a great support system of people who may become your close friends and go-to in times of need. Best of all, you can help others in need and find some fulfillment in knowing that your struggles can help and encourage someone else. To build these connections and to be a support to others check out American Chronic Pain Association, Pain Connection, and Dailystrength.org. These are just a few of the many support groups available to come alongside you and help you on this journey.
Recovia is a functional flex-care program that aims to maximize recovery for individuals suffering from chronic pain, injury, or dependency. The mission is to provide a compassionate, comprehensive, cost effective, and individualized functional rehabilitation program. For more information, please contact us at 480-712-4600 or visit our information page.
The advice and information provided herein is for educational purposes only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. A licensed medical professional should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions. Links to other sites are provided for information only -- they do not constitute endorsements of those other sites.