RECOVIA Testimonials

What our patients have to say.

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Gina Mackley

"I was SO happy to find Levi Porter again! He used to work at another drs office i went to and Levi took care of me there. He is my favorite fr ever! Smart... Kind... Caring and funny!
I just adore him! Everyone there is very nice but finding levi made me very happy."

Toni Wolfcale

"I’ve been struggling with the loss of my mother since 2016. The pain is still so very deep. I went in here today to see if they can help me at least get to where I can function. I spent a few hours there and I do feel that they have the knowledge I don’t have. If you don’t understand something you can’t begin to work on it."

Benjamin De Valk

"If you’re struggling , stop , get here . Fantastic people - great program . It will be the best thing you ever did for yourself- if you are willing to put the work in that it takes to get out of the muck . Thank you , Recovia , for the tools and path back to a “ normal “ life."

Janet O'Shaughnessy

"This place is amazing and has changed my life. I have never been so encouraged and fully supported in my lifetime. Highly recommend Recovia!!!"

In-Office Reviews

Published In:

Behavorial Healthcare Executive
Treatment Magazine
Phoenix Business Journal




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